10 November 2012

15 October 2012

To The Left

Most of this posts were taken with my phone's camera.
I only scanned a couple of them.
So yeah... 
apologies beforehand for the low quality pictures that you are about to see.

This chameleon had a horn.
I had never seen this kind of chameleon before.
I used baby blue wax pencil color for the sketch, 
watercolors after that, and ink pens for the final touches.

I made this thinking I'd invert the colours in photoshop, so that the pen would be the light.

My knee has been hurting this days and it's hard to give it a rest...
I can't help wanting to go wander!

Experimenting with markers...

3 September 2012

Lightbulb Goblin

I think he found the lightbulb on the floor, 
while he was walking through the mine that is his home. 
He was figuring out what it was, or what to do with it.
when he made the light go on in his hand.
There he is, all weirded out, thinking something like, "What kind of sorcery is this?"
and at the same time, he's kind of liking the shiny thing he has on his hand.

I had the sketch for this in an old notebook 
and decided to work it more as an excuse to use color pencils on it,
with contrasts between a shiny object and a dark place.
I feel it needs more darks there though. I'll try to fix them later.
Anyway, the drawing may speak for itself, but I had fun doing it :)

9 August 2012

22 July 2012

Squirrel Hug!

Dedicado a Richard Plata, 
que se mejore su tobillo de acero! :)

11 July 2012

Lots of Random Doodles

I was waiting for my curry at an indian place and I drew a statue they had there, 3 times, meanwhile...

Then the curry arrived.

I like octopuses and seahorses a lot!

Tiny birds too... they are so cute...

A child in the bus...

A man at the beach.

and just a random thought on toilet drawings...

16 June 2012

Scan 18

Quick painting I did with acrylics.
For those frequent moments 
when you get octopuses in through your ears, 
and out of your mouth and eyes.

11 June 2012

A Birthday Card

I did this last year for a very special person,
but I just found the drawing in my camera yesterday.

17 May 2012


I made this ballpoint pen drawing from an
accidental shape formed while dragging
vertexes around in Maya.

22 April 2012

DIY Slider-Chair

The copyrights for Sweeney Todd belong to Tim Burton, whose work I really admire.

4 March 2012

That is nuts

Second of 3 for the Nuts series:
The greatly unprofessionally written micro-comic about talking nuts and beans.

2 March 2012

Room Service

She may look a little crazy,
but don't be faked.
She is. And very.

23 February 2012

First Quarter of Plane Napkin

There I was.

Me and a ballpoint pen in my pockets.
Sitting during a flight, waiting to land.
I asked for water and a napkin came along.
I drew this to fasten up the time,
and I slept the other part.

20 February 2012

Piano Guy

Forgive the absence folks.
I got a job and moved city.
It's colder and has lots of snow. Feels nice.

Expect a couple drawings every week starting now ;)