21 August 2019

Cry me a river 😭 sob sob #sobble #pokemon #starters #shield #sword #fanart #watercolors

Too cute this little guy :3 #grookey #pokemon #starters #sword #shield

Their animation was so good in the trailer, snif snif ♥️ #scorbunny #pokemon #starters #fanart

#beeandpuppycat #watercolor #fanart idk if this one will make it in, but I had the sketch from ages ago and never finished it until now. #bee #puppycat #cat

#pokemon #sword and #shield #starters are so cute, trying to squeeze some more last minute #fanart stix!!

In the wise words of Pikachu. Another sticker! #pika #pi #pikachu #thisisfine #meme #watercolor #fanart #pokemon #fanexpo

#sonic giving it his all! #gottagofast #fanart #watercolors #sticker #fanexpo

Little Mr. Spider, trying their best! #spider #web #developer #watercolors #sticker #fanexpo #computer #website

The longer you look at it, the funnier it gets 🤣 #fanart #fanexpo #sticker #sonic #hedgehog #derp #ditto #watercolor

A personal piece I put some love into for #fanexpo a49 / #flamingo #sticker

#ninokuni #fanart #sticker with #oliver #mrdrippy and #mitey. I had a blast with their expressions hahaha! 🤣 And Mitey is all "leeeeeroy... jenkins!!!"

#panda dad is a troll! #ranma #sticker for #fanexpo a49 - sat/sun

#harvestmoon themed things ♥️ some #seeds and #chickens! #stickers for Fan Expo (a49)

Best omens! #goodomens #fanart #watercolor #sticker #aziraphale #crowley

Probably the game I've played the most ever 😌♥️ coming to Fan A Expo A49 Sat/Sun #harvestmoon #cow #love #watercolors #fanexpo #fanart #cute #sticker

Hurry!! #sonic #sticker #fanexpo #watercolors

I really enjoyed making this sticker 🤣 Also will be for sale at Fan Expo! (Booth A49) #psyduck #sticker #pokemon #meme #thisisfine #migraine #headache