28 September 2013


I took a pink and a white bottles of acrylic paint and rushed to the cashier.
The store was about to close.
The pink one was labeled "Tutti-Frutti" (om-nom-noms, right?)
I used to avoid this colour as much as I could, but it looks very inviting now.

I made a painting with them on a little canvas. 
I used a photo I found online, just to practice.
I'll post it later, with its reference.

I also used the pink paint for the last Toons on Tap session.
Here's the outcome of that session with the tutti-frutti acrylic.
The theme was 007. These are between 2 and 10 minute long poses.

The pink panther theme started playing on the background while I drew this one.

I really need a lot more practice!
Looking for interesting things to do and learn from,
Richard suggested I tried painting silhouettes and volumes a while ago.
Just the paint and a brush.
I hadn't done it for some time, so I tried it again.
(In the end I couldn't help but throw in some black lines, though)
Thanks to Richard for the tip!

And if you ever wanna try it, you should! It's fun :)

5 September 2013


Drawn using reference. 
(Click to see the right colours)